Digital Council Africa


The Digital Council Africa is an independent, non-profit organisation dedicated to leveraging digital infrastructure to enhance African citizens’ quality of life and maintain global competitiveness. Established in 2010 as the FTTx Council Africa, the association fosters dialogue among stakeholders to maximize the societal benefits of digital access and promote equality, inclusivity, and digital adoption.

Our mission is to ensure all Africans have access to quality connectivity and we do so by facilitating dialogue between the public and private sectors, solving complex issues through collaborative policy development and adoption and finding innovative solutions.

We support and work with both the public and private sectors on policy and regulatory matters, promoting best practices and standards, and encouraging broad-based investment in digital skills to improve lives across Africa.

Who We Serve

The Digital Council Africa engages a diverse range of stakeholders, including:

  • Government
  • Private companies and investors
  • Regulatory bodies
  • Industry organisations
  • End users and consumers

Having passed 5 million FTTH connections, many African countries are embarking on telecommunication liberalization to encourage competition, attract investments, improve service quality, and foster innovation, with regulatory reforms adapting to technological advancements.

The transition to adopt modern digital regulations is underway in many African nations to support services like IoT, AI, and cloud computing, necessitating collaboration between state-owned entities, regulators, and policymakers and comprehensive regulations encompassing data protection, intellectual property, and privacy in sectors like education, healthcare, and government, while state-owned operators have found success by diversifying into areas like data centre-based services, AI, and IoT to remain competitive.

Activities / Events:

Fibre Focus - An initiative designed to bring industry professionals together to discuss practical issues related to fibre infrastructure deployment. This platform facilitates face-to-face interactions, strengthens community ties, and offers opportunities for problem-solving, brand recognition, and insights from thought leaders. The events under Fibre Focus aim to address key challenges and developments within the fibre optics sector, providing a space for stakeholders to network and collaborate on best practices and innovative solutions.

Data & Cloud Dialogues - These dialogues address issues and opportunities in Africa’s data center and cloud services, aiming to foster discussions around the growing demand for connectivity, the expansion of cloud and data center infrastructure, and the role of emerging technologies. They bring together industry leaders and stakeholders to explore how data and cloud innovations can drive economic growth, improve connectivity, and overcome challenges such as skills shortages and high deployment costs.

Tower Talks - A series of discussions focusing on key issues and developments in the telecommunications tower industry in Africa. These talks aim to provide insights and foster dialogue among industry professionals, policymakers, and stakeholders on topics such as infrastructure investment, regulatory challenges, technological advancements, and strategies for expanding network coverage and connectivity across the continent.

Webinars - The Digital Council Africa offers regular webinars focusing on themes such as digital transformation, investment in digital infrastructure, development of digital skills, employment in the technology sector, social and digital inclusion, and ensuring privacy and trust in digital innovations. Webinars aim to facilitate dialogue among public and private sector stakeholders, promoting best practices, policy development, and collaborative solutions to enhance digital connectivity and adoption across Africa.

Assets and events

Conext Connect annual event

Conext Connect, the official AGM of Digital Council Africa Members, is an exclusive gathering where guests can exchange ideas and network. The event aims to unite members, providing them with an exceptional opportunity to directly engage with and learn from CEOs and leaders from the infrastructure sector to share their strategies, market perspectives, and future visions.  

Conext Connect annual event
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