
Membership, structure and governance 

The organization and governance of the individual FTTH Councils and the FCGA are designed to ensure that they are representative of and responsive to the needs of the broader fiber optics industry, fostering an environment that supports the growth and advancement of fiber-to-the-home and related technologies.

A Board of Directors is elected from among the membership. The Board provides strategic direction, oversees the council's activities, and makes key decisions regarding policies, budget, and priorities.

The Board includes executive officers such as a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, who are responsible for the day-to-day management and operational decisions of the council.

To address specific areas of interest or projects, councils establish committees and working groups made up of member volunteers. These focus on topics such as technology and standards, policy and regulation, marketing and education, and market intelligence.

An administrative office is responsible for the day-to-day operations, member services, event organization, and communication duties.


Elections and Tenure: Governance positions, such as board memberships and executive roles, are filled through elections among the members. Terms of service are typically defined to ensure a balance between continuity and the infusion of new ideas.

Annual general meetings or assemblies: here, members can gather to discuss progress, future plans, and industry trends. These meetings also serve as an opportunity for member voting on key issues and board elections.